Listing ID #2046

Auto Accessories Review Website

Auto Accessories Website

Industry: Automotive/Mechanical

This website is about audio accessories for a motor vehicle. The site writes reviews about different equipment and shares information with customers who own and install this equipment.

The site is monetised with advertising and affiliate marketing. Lots of potential for further monetisation including, drop shipping, email marketing, social media and sponsored content.

Important to Note: This site makes no money and will not succeed without significant effort by the buyer after the sale. This site is a good starting point, but you will still need to invest significantly more time and/or money to get an income you can live on. You should have at least a 2-5 year time horizon and a $20K-$50K budget to invest during this time. We can give you a detailed road map to work with depending on your circumstances as part of the final sale. Marketing, creating content, and building industry relationships are the highest costs. In most cases, these costs can be your time. See our services here if you need help running your website or as a guide to working out a budget.

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