Earnings Disclaimer:

We Make No Promises Or Representations About Future Earnings Or Earning Projections.

You understand and agree that we make no warranty, promise, suggestion, implication, representation or guarantee-of-any-kind to you about any future prospects or earnings, with respect to your purchase of an online business from KickBlogs.

Any earnings or income statements included with a listing are what the business has achieved thus far. It’s not future income.

Any income examples are only estimates and are based on what we think might happen based on previous income and our own experience. We make no assurance that you will do as well as stated in any examples, and you must accept the risk of not doing as well as the provided information. 

Past performance is never an indicator of future performance 

There is no assurance that any prior successes or past results as to earnings or income will apply to you. Nor can any prior successes be used, as an indication of your future success. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you or control what you do, once we hand over the business. 

Your success depends on a variety of factors, including your background, your work ethic, your dedication, your motivation, your desire, or your business skills or practices. Therefore, we do not guarantee or imply that you will have the same success, that you will do as well, that you will get rich, nor that you will have any earnings at all.

Understanding inherent risk in all businesses

Internet businesses and earnings derived there-from, involve unknown risks and are not suitable for everyone. You must not rely on any information presented by us unless you do so with the knowledge and understanding that you can experience significant losses of some or all of your purchase price.

Both the local and the global economies where we operate create additional uncertainty and economic risk. An economic recession or depression might negatively affect future results. Supply chains and distribution networks also add an additional level of risk to any business.

It is advisable that you do your own due diligence. When it comes to starting a business and making business decisions, you should use caution, do your own research and seek the advice of qualified professionals. 

Please check with your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information provided by KickBlogs.

The information contained on this website is not to be considered professional, legal or financial advice.