Listing ID #2049

SAAS Application: A Time-Saving Software Product

code, html, digital

Industry: Business /Finance

We’re excited to offer a unique business opportunity for aspiring digital entrepreneurs. This is your chance to work with our developers to build a SAAS app-based website.

This listing can include your ideas or you work through a variety of ideas, each operating in different industries and solving different problems. Whether you’re looking to step into the thriving e-commerce market or have your eyes set on a niche, we’ve got something for everyone.

If you are interested in offering a SAAS product (software-as-a-service) website we can help you set up your dream business. We build you a simple application that you can offer on your website – where you charge a monthly subscription – and people will pay for the continued use of this time-saving product.

This is a concept site and is not currently built. Build time can take 8-10 weeks. You get to customise the business to your exact specifications.

Important to Note: This site makes no money and will not succeed without significant effort by the buyer after the sale. This site is a good starting point, but you will still need to invest significantly more time and/or money to get an income you can live on. You should have at least a 2-5 year time horizon and a $20K-$50K budget to invest during this time. We can give you a detailed road map to work with depending on your circumstances as part of the final sale. Marketing, creating content, and building industry relationships are the highest costs. In most cases, these costs can be your time. See our services here if you need help running your website or as a guide to working out a budget.

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